Monday, April 7, 2008

Kliewer Post


-Down Syndrome\
-School Systems

I think that the main arguement here deals with society being so ignorant. Not only in school systems, but in the community as well. We need to start overlooking all of these minor inequalities that make us different fom one another, and set out and do the job we intend to do, in this case teaching. Tracking seems to be the main cause to this and because of this, students are not given equal privledges.

"Community acceptance requires opportunity for individual partipaction in the group, but opportunity cannont exist outside of community acceptance."

"Schools have traditionally taken a narrow position when defining and judgeing student intellect"

"School citizenship rejects the idea of a gap between normality and down syndrome."

After every reading we have looked over druing this semester, i'm beginning to notice a continueing theme. Every reading in one way or another has a bigger arguement than that of what is in the text. Meaning that, I think each reading connects with one another in some way another either directly or having to read between the lines. In this case, Kliewer is arguing the harsh and rude stakes that children born with Down syndrome are forced to live with. I very much beleive that it can be looked as a much bigger issue dealing with our school systems and society as well.

1 comment:

Lesley said...


Try to read the Tim Wise piece before class tomorrow. We switched the reading.. it is posted on my blog!